Hello and welcome back to Through my child's eyes, the link up for mini photographers and artists. Thank you to the four bloggers who linked up last week. They were all amazing posts so I will give you all a little shout out. We had three mini photographers who were Little lady bug who shot a photo of her Tiger who came to tea bear, Spud took a photo of some fish in his mum's kitchen and Sebastian from Glimmer of hope shot some photos of his day out around Bristol. We also had a fab crafty post from W over at Working Mummy and Wife who made some Easter themed cards. Thank you everyone for linking up, I really appreciate it.
My children are away this week with their dad so I was planning to take a week off from Through my child's eyes as I forgot to get them to take some photos for me. However, after some thinking I remembered I had a few amazing videos made by Alfie on You tube that I thought I would showcase on my blog. He is so confident in front of the camera and is maybe a documentary presenter in the making. He tells me all the time that he wants to be a You-tuber like Evantube and is also a massive fan of the Shaytards.
The linky
- Please add my badge to your posts
- Link up your children's artwork or photos, with or without words is fine
- It will run from Thursday 12am till Saturday
- Can be old or new and as many as you like
- When you add your link, please make sure they lead to your posts and not your blog's homepage. It may be difficult for me to find.
- Share your link up on twitter using #throughmychildeyes and tag me @gemma_stevens so I know to retweet and comment on your post.
- Try and comment on other posts in the link up.
- Feel free to link your Instagram photos too
- Enjoy working together
Now it's your turn.
I look forward to seeing the photos and artwork your children have created recently. Please help me make #throughmychildseyes a success by sharing the link up across your social media and by adding my badge to your posts.

An InLinkz Link-up
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