Last week we had three amazing posts link up. The first set of photos came from Sebastian whose mum blogs over at Glimmer of Hope. Sebastian took photos of the stunning features of Cardiff castle and for a four year old, he is amazing with the camera. We also received photos from Spud over at Not just another mum. He ventured out to photograph some amazing street art in Manchester for a school project and managed to find so many amazing artworks. Lastly, Emma over at The joy of five shared her daughters photographs from the Elderflower festival. I love the bluebells in the first photo and the gorgeous photos of her brother clearly having lots of fun. Thank you everyone for linking up last week.
This week Thomas, my youngest son, decided to take some photos of his two Chinese dwarf hamsters, Jake and Finn. He had just finished cleaning their cage and wanted to take some photos of them while they are out eating their dinner. The hamsters only come out when the boys are sleeping so it was nice for Thomas to be able to play with them for a little bit. Jake is in the bottom photograph eating his tea and Finn, who is extremely shy, is watching his brother from the safety of his hamster home.
The Linky
- Please add my badge to your posts
- Link up your children's artwork or photos, with or without words is fine
- It will run from Thursday 12am till Saturday
- Can be old or new and as many as you like
- When you add your link, please make sure they lead to your posts and not your blog's homepage. It may be difficult for me to find.
- Share your link up on twitter using #throughmychildeyes and tag me @gemma_stevens so I know to retweet and comment on your post.
- Try and comment on other posts in the link up.
- Feel free to link your Instagram photos too
- Enjoy working together
I look forward to seeing the photos and artwork your children have created recently. Please help me make #throughmychildseyes a success by sharing the link up across your social media and by adding my badge to your posts.

An InLinkz Link-up
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